
Showing posts from February, 2021

Hire Red Team to Look at Your Software and Systems

After spending millions of dollars carefully securing a network, hiring a group of researchers and bug hunters to break in may not seem like the brightest of ideas. But sometimes, the best way to surface hidden vulnerabilities is by conducting a simulated attack on your infrastructure. And that’s what the  Red team does. A full-scope, multi-layered attack simulation done to check how strongly a company’s networks, people, applications, and physical security can control or withstand an attack from a real-life adversary is what we call Red Teaming . There are several reasons to hire Red Team. One of them is, they keep a fresh set of eyes to look at your systems and software. Yes, once you hire a red team, that means a totally fresh set of eyes looking at your data, network, and application security. Often, groups know the weak spots in their systems and tend to investigate the same spot repeatedly. On the other hand, people who are not familiar with your company’s infrastruct